pVerify’s Response to Covid-19


We at pVerify pride ourselves with two core values. 1) Best in class customer support 2) Best in class value, accuracy, and timeliness We have observed with serious concern the COVID-19 pandemic which rapidly took over the globe last month. The effects will be felt for months and years to come. To do our part we have done several things regarding stability, finances, and support to reduce impact.


We sent notification to the pVerify community last week with respect to changes to help our clients during potentially difficult times. Prepaid clients – We are extending the expiration date on all active prepaid accounts for 6 months. Subscription and monthly clients – we are waiving minimum fees if transaction volume is very low.


We are taking measures to further harden and protect our servers against data center outages. This is in anticipation of the unlikely scenario that whole data centers are unable to function due to COVID-19 impact. Once we have this done then only a nationwide outage or major issue out of our control (for example if services at CMS (Medicare) are interrupted) would cause an outage. We are also moving the pverify.net (Legacy) server to a server on the cloud in anticipation of an outage.


We have moved all teams to remote operations and shelter-in-place in agreement with local, state, and national policies. We have retooled our workflows to handle this scenario which affected some batch clients this week (3/27). We are continuing our integration projects and realize that many clients will wish to pause new projects at this time. We will be ready when you are.

The COVID 19 virus

Finally regarding the virus itself. There is so much news and information floating around, and much of it is suspect. For example, it’s not clear if chloroquine is an effective treatment or not. As a biomedical scientist, this is what is known. COVID 19 is a new virus in the SARS family of coronaviruses. Its main form of infection is exposure to respiratory droplets, either surface to mouth or by breathing infected air. It is thought the droplets can remain airborne a few hours and the virus can live on most surfaces for a few days. The most effective way to reduce infection risk is frequent and thorough handwashing, and social distancing – remain 6 feet or more from other people. Finally, note while there are no good therapies yet, there are some that are in progress, and the viral spike protein has already been crystallized and the structure identified. This is a great candidate for a vaccine and trials are already in progress. The biomedical and medical community has performed heroically during this time. The best thing non-providers can do is stay home and listen to public health officials. In conclusion, we at pVerify want our clients to know we are right there with them through this, and we will do whatever it takes to continue best in class support. Please contact us at support@pverify.com if there any concerns or issues. Thank you. Robert Dejournett CTO, pVerify

Whats New

CASE STUDY: Maximizing Revenue

CASE STUDY: Maximizing Revenue

Leveraging pVerify tailored insurance verification, eligibility solutions, and support, a healthcare customer with close to 200 locations significantly reduced bad debt, resulting in a client-estimated $3.9 million in saved revenue

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