All-Payer Patient Insurance Verification

Templates for download

Download one of our templates below

Account Setup Templates

Payer Mapping

Add your payers and payer codes to this file and then email it to so we can map them for you.

Add Users Template

Create new users by uploading this file into your User Management Page.

Add Locations Template

Create new locations in your pVerify Portal by uploading this file into your Location Management Page.

Eligibility NPI Providers Template

Add new NPIs to your Eligibility Service by uploading this file into your Client Providers Page.

An NPI is required for all Eligibility Verifications and NPIs must be go through a separate approval process Medicare Eligibility.

MBI NPI Providers Template

Add new NPIs to your MBI Lookup and Insurance Discovery Service by uploading this file into your MBI Providers Page.

NPIs must be go through an approval process prior to being available for the above services. 

Business Rules V2.0 Template

Add your Business Rules to this file and upload to our FILES Tab for us to complete the setup for you.

Estimator Setup (CPT) Template

Add your CPT Codes with Fee Schedules to our Estimator Service by uploading this file into your Import CPT Page.

Templates for Batch Processing (Services)

Eligibility Template (Basic)

Add your patients to this file for our Eligibility Service and upload to the Batch Upload Page for Self-Batch processing or the FILES Tab for First-Class Batch processing.  “Basic” is the most commonly used file format for batch processing.

Eligibility Template (All File Options)

Visit the Eligibility Batch Template Page to view all available templates.

Dropdown selection on left MUST match File Template Name selected on right. 

Insurance Discovery Template

Add your Insurance Discovery patients to this file and upload to the FILES tab for processing.

MBI Lookup Template

Add your Medicare patients to this file for our MBI Lookup Service and upload to the MBI Lookup Page for processing.

Claim Status Template

Add your Claim’s patients to this file for our Claim Status Service and upload to our Claim Status Batch Verification Page for processing.

Same or Similar Template

Add your Medicare patients to this file for our Same or Similar Service and upload to Same or Similar Batch Verification Page for processing.

Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility Template

Add your Medicare patients to this file for our Inpatient SNF Service and upload to the SNF Batch Verification Page for processing.