pVerify Etactics Electronic Claims Submission

pVerify Announces Partnership with Etactics to Offer Electronic Claims Submission

Link to PR Newswire Press Release

pVerify, Inc. 

October 31st 2023, 08:00 ET

pVerify establishes strategic partnership to bring end-to-end revenue cycle management capabilities to its customers​

TUSTIN, Calif.October 31st, 2023 /PRNewswire/ —  A division of DoseSpot, pVerify, Inc, the leader in all-payer, real-time patient insurance eligibility, coverage discovery, and prior authorization in API and cloud-based portal environments for medical, dental, and vision providers, announces a partnership with Etactics to offer claims submission and denials management capabilities. pVerify, Inc. serves over 25000 providers who rely on the platform for delivery of faster patient care by accessing integrated tools that ensure coverage accuracy during the patient intake and onboarding process.

Etactics, an Ohio-based medical insurance claims clearinghouse innovator, is renowned for its superior customer service in an age where impersonal IVR and mysterious ticketing systems are prevalent. Etactics’ clearinghouse features thousands of claims connections for the benefit of large and small providers nationwide. Intelligent claim checking identifies common errors prior to sending every claim to a payer. Etactics’ denial management solution allows customers to identify problem areas quickly and efficiently in order to drive important decisions.

pVerify customers often ask us who they can trust with one of the most essential components of their revenue cycle workflow. The partnership with Etactics allows us to confidently connect them to a like-minded organization who brings extreme customer focus to claims processing and denials management​

Jay Nitturkar

CEO, pVerify

The new partnership between these two companies makes it easier for providers who are already using pVerify’s best-in-class front-end solutions to switch to Etactics’ claims clearinghouse services since both companies are now aligned.

pVerify Etactics Electronic Claims Submission

​pVerify’s innovative, patient-facing real-time eligibility solutions help providers accurately estimate patient obligations at the time of service and also ensure accuracy of patient demographics and payer details, facilitating a higher ‘clean claims’ percentage. Combining pVerify with Etactics’ Claim Submission and Denial Management tools will go a long way in improving overall profitability of healthcare providers. That’s what excites us!

Jay Nitturkar

CEO, pVerify

About pVerify

pVerify, Inc’s HIPAA-compliant, SOC2 Compliant, SaaS offering includes a fully customizable Eligibility Portal and robust set of REST APIs that power mission-critical, front-end Eligibility process solutions for leading software companies in the healthcare sector. pVerify® was founded in 2006 by a team of accomplished Healthcare Professionals with a singular focus: streamline the front-end patient insurance eligibility and benefit verification processes to maximize practice revenue and minimize insurance denials. Learn more at pverify.com.

About Etactics

Etactics is a leading revenue cycle solutions organization committed to providing innovative, web-based solutions that improve clients’ revenue cycle management and patient experiences. Their products and services assist healthcare clients with improving their business processes, boost staff productivity, reduce expenses, increase compliance related efforts, and accelerate payment.

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If you would like more information, please email John Blosser at JBlosser@pverify.com

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